
A good photo goes a long way in explaining something – especially something complex like cities and transport. I’ve always tried to use decent photos of my own on this blog but I also have a lot of photos I’ve never really used and just left hanging around. Almost every photo I take I license under creative commons, in a license that means it is fine to use it for non-commercial purposes without a further explicit request to license it. I should remind you explicitly, if you are intending to use my photos in a journalistic context, to make a strong political point or to do anything where you are gaining income via advertising or charging you must ask first.

That over, where are the photos? Well, I keep them on flickr in the following galleries (updated as and when).

New London Superhighways Summer 2016

People Cycling


Waltham Forest Mini-Holland

Cycle Embassy of Great Britain Summer 2016 AGM in Cambridge

Save CS11 Protest, March 2016, Regents Park

London Cycle Safari November 2015

Horsham East-West Route Cycle Ride, October 2015

London Superhighways Progress, October 2015

London Infra Tour September 2015

Ipswich Cycle Safari May 2015

nutty goes Dutch (trip to Netherlands in 2013)

Stay Back, Blind etc (an album of warning signs)

London Street Geeking (random things on streets)