Traffic Count Data
Traffic Count Data is available from a range of sources, below are both my own analyses and tools along with those I recommend.
DfT Traffic Counts and Annual Figures
The UK Department for Transport publish traffic counts for a wide range of locations in Great Britain. There is a main portal which provides downloads of individual points in CSV format.
Full data is also available to download from which enables the following tools, firstly two of my own:
- Annual Average Daily Flow mapped across GB
- Raw data with hourly detail from 7AM-7PM mapped across GB
Other people have made their own efforts at using this data, including:
- London traffic counts, 8AM-9AM by Oliver O’Brien, with blog to explain
TfL Cycle Census
In 2013 TfL conducted a one-off cycle census in London, partly to fix gaps in existing cordon counts (e.g. a crossing from Hyde Park into Brook Street). Oliver O’Brien made a map to explore this data.
TfL Cycle Count Data
In 2010, TfL provided a wide range of count data from 2009 and 2008 from automatic counters in response to a Freedom of Information request. I have made a follow-up request to get more recent data published.
TfL Press Releases
“At peak times, cyclists now make up the majority of vehicles on some roads, such as Blackfriars Bridge, where cyclists account for 70 per cent of all vehicles. TfL monitoring data shows that one third of all people using the cycle lanes across a 24hr period are doing so outside of the peak hours (7-10am and 4-7pm)”
“The CS continue to deliver significant benefits for walking and cycling. In only five months since the launch of four new routes, there has been more than a 50 per cent increase in the number of cyclists using the East-West (CSEW) and North-South (CSNS) Cycle Superhighways compared to pre-construction levels, taking the total number of cyclists to 8,400 using Blackfriars Bridge and 7,000 using Victoria Embankment each day in the morning and evening peaks. The majority of cyclists are now choosing to use the dedicated cycle track rather than the carriageway, with over 90 per cent doing so along these routes.” – – 3.5
“on Blackfriars Bridge on CSNS the number of cyclists has increased to 4,695 and 3,722 in the morning and evening peaks respectively, up by 55 per cent against pre-construction figures. At its busiest, cyclists made up 70 per cent of all traffic; and” – 6.30(b)
Borough Cycle Count Data
City of London have a lot of detailed 15-minute resolution counts from their project to remove traffic from Bank Junction.
Automatic counter data
- City of Edinburgh
- Hackney publish a count for Goldsmith Row but have no obvious open data, though it has been FOI’d and turned into a nice graph and twitter account.
- Camden publish their cycle counts as open data
Campaigner Manual Counts
Spokes in Edinburgh conduct manual counts to track cycling at two key locations. (page also comments on other relevant data)